A treasure among treasures
Rumour has it, that tiny inhabitants live in our cities and forests, upon hills and in valleys, deep in our countryside, since the dawning of time...
People who have never heard of geocaching (also known as « Moldus ») cannot see them. That is because Poï’z are shy and only show themselves to nature and heritage loving Terr’Adventurers who go out of there way to come and meet them!
It is said that the poïz were the guardians of many a treasure but the most precious treasure of all, the one that needed the most protection, was the Wisemen Stone…
Two for one !
The map leading to the grail was torn into several pieces to avoid it from falling into the wrong hands. Its fragments were scattered all over the territory. It was almost impossible to reunite each piece of the map. And yet… On a warm summer’s night, the Bad Poïz managed to get their hands on the entire map and with the help of a key, succeeded in activating the stone.
Time travelling is the stone’s magical power, and Zekid, Zarbi and Zescro used it to send Terra Aventura back into the past ! A hostile past, when the region was divided into 9 countries with 9 flags.

In no time at all!
Everyone wanted to « find the key, reactivate the stone and return back to the present », but only a few succeeded...
A simple turn of the key and the gem lights up… and here we are back in good old Limousin! But beware… things are not always what they seem and the mechanism is quite complex… A single turn of the key was not enough, and here we are again : back in the Wild West !
“Clafoutis* western”!
Ride across the countryside, over the Blond hills, across the western plains and serach for brand new treasures! But beware, when there’s a treasure involved, whether it’s gold or heritage gems, the Bad Poï’z are never far behind !
These 3 rascally critters have escaped « Porce-lane City » jail and are out to terrorize our friends in Charente. They got a hold of the Wisemen Stone user manual containing secrets about time travel!
* a “clafoutis” (pronounced “clafootee”) is a typical Limousin dessert!

The geocachers' crazy ride has considerably modified space-time. Now that everyone has returned to their timezone, the terra we once knew has changed drastically !
Z. is the new chic
Behind the wheel of their « Azton Martin » (the latest model : the one that sprays engine oil and has retractable benders) the Triple Zero Bad Poïz agents are now riding across Nouvelle-Aquitaine with a new goal : to get you so puzzled that you will never be able to track down the head of their rascally organization !
Although Zekid and his mates make for the perfect culprits, don't be fooled ! They are working undercover for an evil mastermind !
Devilish plans…
Z is a mean and hideous leader who hates nature with a passion ! Her plans involve stealing nature's precious object'z and much worse... sending it into oblivion !
Previously in Tèrra Aventura...
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